Digital Nomad Couple Athens

Are you a digital nomad and are you planning to live for a month or more in Athens, Greece? We are sure this city will surprise you day by day and will inspire you to be even more creative on your remote job. Whether you’re searching for relaxing beaches or nice internet cafes, Athens will offer you everything you need to enjoy a digital nomad relaxed way of living!


After living there for two months, we can tell you that there are a lot of things to do in Athens, but everything will depends on what you are searching for. If you want a relaxed city, close to the seaside, with a lot of nature and great restaurants, you should give a look at Athens Riviera through this article. Instead, if you are searching for a lively city, full of activities and nice people to hang out with, Athens will fit you perfectly. Let’s discover our 10 pros of being digital nomads in Athens!

Before leaving for Athens, we bought these two backpacks that literally saved our lives. We really recommend you to say goodbye to your luggages and choose a resistant and practical backpack to travel. That will definitely change your experience!

The weather is simply amazing. In two months we had only two days of rain, so if you are meteoropathic that's the city for you!
You have one of the most beautiful seas just close to the center. Imagine that you can take the metro and arrive in beautiful beaches from where you will be able to work. All this, 30 minutes from your apartment
Beach Close to Athens

“Beach Akrotiri Lombardy Close To Athens”

Athens For Digital Nomads

“A Typical Orthodox Church In Athens”

You are in Europe, so if you are coming from European countries you will have some privileges regarding the visa. Otherwise, it's not that hard to get one
Greek food and coffee are really delicious and cheap, so it's the perfect city if you are traveling on a budget
Greeks are really lovely and friendly. It will not be a problem to make friends and hang out with locals!
You can find cheap room in the center, especially if you rent them for one, two months or more
Athens is full of skybars and cafes to hang out after work and have a drink with your friends from the coworking
There are a lot of events in town where you will be able to meet other digital nomads and people who travel
Bitcoin Event Athens

“A Bitcoin Event In Athens with Andreas Antonopoulos”

Athens Bar Digital Nomad

“Athens Has A Lot Of Cafes With WIFI”

The list of coworking is pretty huge, but don't worry: if you are not a coworking type, you will be able to work from everywhere because cafes are always open and have WIFI
You are in Greece, close to islands and dreamy destinations: if you alternate holiday and work, you will not even realize you are working thanks to the relaxed Greek atmosphere


Well, Athens is not always the best. Due to the problems that afflicted Greece in the last years, the country is clearly in difficulty. Drug dealing, crisis and refugees: all this is happening in the center of Athens. If you want to avoid dangerous areas, we created the list of the best neighborhood in Athens: give it a look, it will save you from a horrible neighborhood. If you want to save 25$ on your booking, find your apartment with Travala! Let’s see our cons of being digital nomad in Athens!

Pay attention to the location of your Airbnb, hotel or hostel: closer you will be to Plaka, the better it will. Even if you find cheaper prices a bit far away, you will have to add the costs of transportation and the possible dangers you will jump in
In Athens Airbnb's prices are increasing and the price of an apartment per month is becoming pretty high. But you can always rent a room for a much lower price
You will have the temptation not to work because of the relaxed atmosphere in Athens!
The life is not always easy for Greeks and Athenians: be ready to see drug dealing and drug use, prostitution on the streets at every time of day and night
You will not have a lot of big cities close to Athens: we once visited Corinth, but unfortunately the city is pretty empty due to crisis. For this reason, you'll have the feeling that Athens is the only city in Greece!
There are no places in the city really good for outdoor sports, meditation or yoga: let's say that parks in Athens are not really used for these purposes
The price and the quality of the internet is not the best in Greece. We were using SkyRoam to have internet, both at home and outside, or our 4G, but it ended up being pretty expensive. So, if an excellent connection is indispensable for you, maybe Greece is not the destination for you


We chose to slow travel in Europe, in a sunny place, with cheap prices and dreamy islands where the sea is melting with the sky. The result of our equation was Athens. But would we choose it after being there for two months? Probably not. Athens was too chaotic for us and our neighborhood was not the best. If we had the possibility to rewind and make another choice, we would go directly to the islands. 

Why do we think islands are the best option if you want to be digital nomad in Greece? Simple: you will be far away from the chaos and the pollution of the city, you will have even dreamier places and cafes from where you will be able to work, you will have the perfect spaces in the nature to do sport, yoga and meditation every day. Do you need any other reason?

Here’s our favorite guides of Greece and Greek Island. We used them to organize our trips and yeah, they’ve been so useful!

What about being a digital nomad in Tulum, Mexico?

We often think that traveling to the other part of the world can be risky, but we did that jump into the unknown and we can tell you it’s just exciting! We really don’t regret having left Europe and if you are searching the perfect hub for digital nomads, you should really check out Tulum and its crazy energy and atmosphere. We wrote many articles about Tulum, so if you are interested you should really begin from our Tulum travel guide where you will find a bit of everything to discover this beautiful city. Ready to swim in the Caribbean sea?  

Digital Nomads On Greek islands

“Eddy Working In The Island Of Donoussa”

Athens Office Digital Nomad

“Alessia Working From Our Studio In Athens”


Our experience in Athens as digital nomads wasn’t as we were expecting it. We thought that Athens would have been much more beautiful and cozy than it was in the reality. 

The thing that spoiled our vision of Athens was the degradation of the city and the low safety levels in many places. If you go to Athens, you will see that the gap between poor and rich is very small. We recommend you to read this book: it’s basically a guide about Athens which explains what happened to the city in the last years. We found it very important to understand many aspects of Athens.


Double check the location of your accommodation or hostel: it will completely change your stay in Athens
Check the reviews on Google Maps, Nomad list or Digital Nomad in Athens Facebook Page to find the best cafes or coworking to work
Read our article about the best local restaurants in Athens: if you're traveling on a budget, your wallet will thank you!
Attend all the events and meetups you can to find nice people, both Greeks and foreigners, with whom you will be able to collaborate with
SkyRoam was a great ally to have a decent internet connection, both in Athens and on the islands, even though its price is quite expensive
Athens Digital Nomad Man Travel

“SkyRoam Was A Great Ally”

Streets of Athens Greece

“The Small Streets Of Athens”


Suggested daily budget – 25-30 € / 28-33 $ (Note: This is a suggested budget assuming you’re a couple, you’re staying in a Travala or Airbnb, eating out a little, cooking most of your meals, and using local transportation. However, if you stay in fancier accommodation or eat out more often, expect this to be higher!)

Accommodation/Hostel – 25 € per night. We were staying in Kypseli, not really in the center of Athens, but still close to it. Our apartment was really beautiful: we had a private office, a garden, a kitchen, a huge bedroom, a living room and a bathroom. If you want to rent it and get $25 off, use our Travala’s link. If you have a lower budget, the best option is to rent a room in the center: that’s the best deal if you are open to live with people.

Food – 15 € at the restaurant/3 € at home. Of course, the best thing to do if you are on a budget is to prepare your own meal at home. But, luckily, in Greece you will be able to eat gyros for 2.50 € and have a tasty dinner outside (if you are vegetarian or vegan we think you can get it only with veggies). If you want to check out our favorite local restaurants in Athens, check out our article.

Transportation – 3-5 € taxi/1.50 € and tram. In Athens is very cheap to move around: you can grab a taxi for few euros and be in few minutes wherever you want. Otherwise the metro and the tram are working very well and you will be able to reach long distances for a small price.

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Tips For Digital Nomads In Athens


  • Irina

    July 12, 2020

    Hi guys, just read your article and want to say thank you for all your advices ???????? Now I see, that our plan to stay there for 2-3 months wasn’t the best idea ????


What do you think about it ?