
Neighborhood guide

Are you planning your weekend or the next three months in a foreign country and you don’t know where to start? Start from your future house! Here you will find our neighborhood guide to avoid awful neighborhood and to find what will fits your tastes. Let’s get started!

Getting around in Morocco can be hard, we know it! But with a few tricks you'll be able to travel around this beautiful country without any problem. Discover which is the best transport to travel around Morocco and how was

Morocco is a contradictory country where you can feel very safe, but in danger at the same time. Here's our guide that, with our tips, will permit you to enjoy your holiday in Marrakech.

Kypseli, even if it’s not teeming with hotels, has a lot to offer to tourists that are not searching for the mainstream Athens. If you want to add your travel a pinch of adventure, staying in Kypseli will be the

The two biggest problems that afflict those places? Drug use and dealing, and prostitution. In these areas it can be normal to see people taking heroin on the streets and prostitutes trying to sell their bodies 24 hours a day.

This article is for all of you typing on forums “Is Exarchia safe?” We lived it, we explore it and now we are writing this content to tell you everything about it.

Are you planning to live or to travel to Athens, but when you’re scrolling the hotels there are so many neighborhoods that you can’t choose where to stay? In this article we will try to help you through your research