december in tulum weather beach club

You just book your travel to Tulum and you are wondering which kind of weather there will be in December? Don’t worry, we are here to tell you everything you need to know! We are living in Tulum since more than one year and we know the average temperature of every month, how the weather can be during the days and the night, and which is the best season and time of the year to visit Tulum.

As you might have heard, there are rain seasons where temperatures can be though due to humidity and the water of the sea can be less clear than usual. So yeah, if you will travel to Tulum this year, it can be smart to check out if January is better than September and October, which month is more warm and sunny, and not to underestimate the prices you can expect hotel to apply depending if it’s high or low season.

Let’s go forward and check out which month is the best to travel to Tulum without thinking about rainfall or bad weather days!

*Best secret parties in Tulum to attend without being on the list*

What to expect for each season in Tulum?

Each season is magical in Tulum, but you don’t want to be under the rain for sure during a relaxing day at the beach! So that’s why taking a deeper look at the average weather in Mexico and especially in Tulum before your travel is pretty important to decide which time of the year is the best. Let’s quickly check out all the months and main season of the year for then check in detail December and winter in Tulum. Ready? Let’s take a trip between sun and rain! 

vacation in tulum december

“A Bit Of Shopping”

december in tulum

“Ready For The Crazy Nightlife?”

January to March

Avg Temperature: 85 °F

January to March, the end of winter, is still a really good time to travel to Tulum. Hotel are applying cheaper prices, beaches are less crowded and the number of tourists is smaller than you can expect. An average night in Tulum during this period is pretty lively and you still have many events, concerts and DJ sets. Cenotes and beaches will be your favorite destination to swim and chill under the sun, which is up for more hours compared to another season. The precipitation are really not high, so you will not have to worry about rainfall or humidity. It’s our favorite season of the year!

April to June

Avg Temperature: 92 °F

Spring in Tulum and in this part of Mexico can be though: temperature increase a lot during the day and the night, going to the beach during the day can be difficult because the average temperature can be easily 105 fahrenheit degrees, water is more hot and you will have many seaweeds as well. If you want to plan your trip in these months, we don’t really recommend you to do so. On the other hand, if you can bear high temperatures, most hotel are applying really good prices especially in June. So if you are on a budget and you aren’t afraid of sunny days, this is the real deal.

december in tulum weather beach

“You Will Love Being Here In December”

August to September

Avg Temperature: 90 °F

This is definitely the season you should avoid! If winter in Mexico is the best time of the year and has the best temperatures, August is not the same. Temperature in this case is not the problem, but what can become the real issue is the rain season and its humidity. So if weather is important for you, you should really avoid traveling in August. You don’t want rain to interrupt your day visiting cenotes or beaches, believe us. Moreover the water of the sea can really not be clear, so if you want to scuba dive or kite surfing it might not be possible due to weather conditions. It’s true that the beach is pretty empty in this period, but you’ll quickly understand why! Again if you travel on a budget, booking a hotel now will cost you way less than in December due to the good prices they apply in this period of the year. 

december in tulum weather

“A Cool Taqueria In Tulum”

december in tulum resort weather

“Dreamy Hotel On The Beach”

October, November and December

Avg Temperature: 85 °F

These months are the best to visit Tulum and in general this area of Mexico. Weather is always sunny, many festivals, events, concerts are held and you will have a blast! The warm sun will bronze your skin and you will only have to think which cocktail to order while at the beach. Precipitation are almost zero during the month and the wind is never that strong. November is definitely the deal to book your vacations because prices are not high as in December, and much data will still be free. If you land in Cancun airport, prices will also be cheaper than during other good months such as these ones. But let’s go on and see what December has in store for you and how the average weather will be! 

Take Advantage Of Free Concierge Service

As excellent to explore Tulum and its surroundings alone, you may need help figuring out where to start. To make the most of your money and time, contact Virginia and Kelly - two incredible Mexican girls living in Tulum for more than 15 years. They're familiar with the ins & outs of the Tulum town and hotel zone like the back of their hand! 

Since we arrived in Tulum 2 years ago, many adventures wouldn’t have been possible without their help - they know literally everybody in Tulum and can perfectly organize every moment of your stay. Get the best tables, skip queues and get on the guest list of the coolest places in Tulum - this’s only the beginning! 

They are ready to offer you guys FREE concierge service in Tulum for the time of your stay: take advantage of it, contact them on Whatsapp and live the best experience!

“Virginia Will Transform You In A Tulum Insider”

Should I travel to Tulum in winter?

If you are wondering about going to Mexico or Tulum in winter and December, the answer is yes! Weather is just perfect and you will have the maximum of events in this period. Tulum has not yet an airport, but if you arrive from Cancun you can find our guide here on how to reach Tulum and how to rent a car without getting scammed. We wrote many articles about hotels, boutique hotels, resorts, villas and Airbnbs to rent in Tulum, so if you still haven’t booked your holiday check out our selections! 

But let’s see now which are the best events in November, December and January in Tulum.

November Events
December Events

December 8th – December 11th – Tantra Retreat Tulum

December 25th – January 8th – CENOTES | Xmas in Mexico

January Events

January 2nd – January 10th – Tulum 23

January 5th – AFTERLIFE Tulum

January 7th – Circoloco Tulum

January 13th – Black Coffee Tulum

We hope you have less doubt than before now and that you will book your trip to Tulum in December, maybe to join some of the cool events during winter. Let us know below which is your favorite event in Tulum: let’s have some fun chicos! 

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december weather tulum

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