tulum should I rent a car mexico

Hey traveler! Are you heading to Tulum next and you can’t wait to explore Yucatan, one of Mexico’s most beautiful region with cenotes, Mayan ruins, beaches, a lot of food culture and much more? We can already see you in a road trip from Cancun airport to Riviera Maya, Tulum, and then Merida and Yucatan’s inland. Sounds incredibly exciting – but to do this you will need a car. 

If you are wondering if you should rent a car in Tulum or not, the answer is most probably yes. You will need a car to move around Tulum city and – especially – from Tulum to other cities in Yucatan. Everything depends on how you will organize your trip, but we will talk about it later on in our guide. If you want some help in making your trip to Tulum flawless, we loved the FREE concierge service of Kelly and Virginia – check it out down below! 

For now, we decided to write here 5 things you need to know before renting a car in Tulum – you will know everything from the included insurance to how’s driving on Mexican roads, from the best way to pay (credit card or cash dilemma) to the best car rental companies in Tulum, from the best deals and prices per day to the car rental companies you should avoid – in a nutshell: you will be a pro on car rentals in Tulum! 

Check our tips right here below and let your trip begin!

5 Things You Need To Know about renting a car in Tulum, Mexico

We know you are super excited about your trip to Tulum and you can’t wait to rent a car and discover Yucatan’s peninsula beauties! But – you should know some things before rushing into a random car rental company and renting a car. So make sure to check out the list of the 5 things you need to know before renting a car during your Mexican travel! 

Watch This Video Before Renting a Car in Tulum

Check out which insurance is included in the price

The price when renting a car can be the first thing you take in consideration. You can quickly check the different car models for rent and choose the best deals out there. But Mexican roads are not the same as in the US or Europe, so full coverage insurance is needed.

Many car rental companies in Tulum are hiding prices and you will find out about some extra money you will have to add on the booking sooner or later. This extra money can represent a full insurance – which can be not included in the price of the car, but which every vehicle must have in Mexico following the law – a pick up in a different location, or extra time if you deliver the car at a different time than the one agreed, and so on.

So make sure not to follow only the apparently best deals, but check in detail all the possible hidden prices! 

Best deals = mediocre company?

Talking about the price, it’s not said that if a company is offering good deals compared to other car rental companies locations is a mediocre company. Most of the time, famous car rental companies in Mexico are applying higher prices than Mexican companies because they have a larger choice of cars and all in all they are an international company, whose main location is probably in the US.

So if you are doubting about renting a car with a Mexican car rental agency, open your mind and value them because they usually offer professionalism and the best deals.

Road trip in Yucatan, Mexico: Cancun, Tulum, Merida

If you are planning a road trip in the Yucatan peninsula you are gonna have a lot of fun! To drive in these areas of Mexico, from Tulum to Merida and Cancun, is really an adventure and you will come back enriched from your trip. Tulum is a great destination, but a bit touristy – if you want to have a real insight about Mexico, Yucatan will give it to you.

Even though roads are pretty safe, you should have a full coverage insurance to chill and don’t think about any possible inconvenience. Always bring some cash with you because in Yucatan it is pretty rare to pay with a credit card. So, wisely choose your car rental agency and enjoy the view! 

tulum beaches should I rent a car

“Imagine Reaching This Incredible Beaches”

tulum center should rent a car

“Tulum Architecture”

Check out car rental companies reviews before you book a car

There are many car rental companies in Tulum and it will not be difficult to pick up a car and start your trip. But, it’s always important to check out car rentals reviews because you can never know what to expect. There are many famous car rental agencies you should actually avoid because they usually scam tourists with fake excuses asking for extra money at the end of the rental.

So, better spending a few minutes more checking car rentals reviews than regret it at the end of the trip! A tip you can easily do is to call the agency and see how their customer care is – if they are nice and helpful, these criteria can help you choose the right car rental agency. 

Is it better to pay by credit card or cash when renting a car?

If you book your car online before your trip to Mexico, then you will most probably pay with a credit card. This is the best thing to do if you are going to Tulum during high season – prices are higher and free cars are less.

If you are not planning your trip during high season, you can basically contact the agency checking how many free cars they have in their locations and see if you can manage to pay them with cash once in Tulum. When you pay with cash, depending on how many days you rent a car, you can even try to negotiate the price to get the best deals.

So yeah, as long as you have a bill and a car rental contract, it doesn’t make a huge difference between paying by cash or credit card. 

Take Advantage Of Free Concierge Service

As excellent to explore Tulum and its surroundings alone, you may need help figuring out where to start. To make the most of your money and time, contact Virginia and Kelly - two incredible Mexican girls living in Tulum for more than 15 years. They're familiar with the ins & outs of the Tulum town and hotel zone like the back of their hand! 

Since we arrived in Tulum 2 years ago, many adventures wouldn’t have been possible without their help - they know literally everybody in Tulum and can perfectly organize every moment of your stay. Get the best tables, skip queues and get on the guest list of the coolest places in Tulum - this’s only the beginning! 

They are ready to offer you guys FREE concierge service in Tulum for the time of your stay: take advantage of it, contact them on Whatsapp and live the best experience!

“Virginia Will Transform You In A Tulum Insider”

Should I rent a car for my trip to Tulum?

If you plan to spend your time in Tulum

As we said at the beginning of the guide, yes, you should anyway rent a car during your trip in Tulum. But, if you plan to spend the maximum of your time in Tulum center or beach, you can opt for different ways of transportation. Check out our guide about the best transportation in Tulum right here!

All in all, if you stay in Tulum town and you plan only a day trip, the best thing you can do is to rent a bike or a scooter and use it to move in Tulum. On your day trip you can either book a tour, use public transport or rent a car only for 1/2 days. 

If you plan having day trip in Yucatan from Tulum

If you are planning a bunch of day trips then the best thing you can do saving money on taxis and public transports is renting a car as soon as you arrive in Tulum.

Wondering which car rental is the best? After renting cars with many car rentals here in Tulum, we found the one of the best – if not the best – deals out there! Check it out below. 

should I rent a car tulum aldea zama

“Tulum Neighborhoods”

should I rent a car tulum la veleta

“Many Residences Have Its Own Parking”

Best car rental company in Tulum: best price and insurance included

BGH Car Rental Tulum

How was renting a car with them?

We ran into Virginia, a really kind girl, during a yoga session in La Veleta. We were planning some trips in Yucatan to explore some cenotes and we needed a car. That’s how we found out Virginia is renting cars and her business is really cool.

We told her the days we needed the car, she told us the super convenient prices and cars she had available and we decided to try her service out. We had an incredible experience – transparency, no need for deposit on our credit card, a lot of flexibility and kindness – in a nutshell: we loved our experience at BGH Car Rental and we can’t recommend you any better company in Tulum.

So if you are still wondering, let’s talk about their prices!

Their prices

Their prices are really good considering the average rental prices in Tulum. If in a standard agency you pay approximately 70 usd per day, without a full coverage insurance, Virginia is renting cars at 40 usd per day with full coverage insurance and unlimited kilometrage.

She rents Nissan Versa cars, which are halfway between a compact and a station wagon – exactly the perfect car to explore the Yucatan peninsula, up to 5 people. 

How to contact them

If you want to rent a car in Tulum, don’t think twice and contact Virginia today! You can reach her on Whatsapp at +529842558049 and ask for her car’s availability. You will definitely not regret it!

We hope to have clarified all the possible doubts you could have had about renting a car in Tulum! Let us know below which road trip you are planning in the Yucatan peninsula – we can’t wait to get inspired by you and discover new cool destinations in Mexico!

FAQ about if you should rent a car in Tulum

Is it cheaper to rent a car in Tulum or Cancun?

Generally, it is cheaper to rent a car in Tulum than in Cancun. Moreover, you have plenty of day trips from Tulum that you can easily reach by car, so it’s a great idea to hang around and explore the best wonders in Tulum, like cenotes! 

How much does it cost to rent a car in Tulum?

In a standard agency you pay approximately 70 usd per day, without a full coverage insurance. In the last year we’ve been renting cars with Virginia who is renting cars at a way much lower price per day with full coverage insurance and unlimited kilometrage. Contact her today to secure your car!

Is it safe to drive a rental car in Tulum?

Yes, it’s generally safe to drive in Tulum. The traffic is not as busy as in big cities, and you can drive relaxed. You just need to be aware of some bumpy roads, but apart from that, you’ll enjoy driving in the beautiful coastal city in the Riviera Maya! 

Do I need an international driver’s license to rent a car in Tulum?

You don’t need an international driver’s license to rent a car in Tulum, you can rent a car with a valid driver’s license from your home country. 

Is it better to rent a scooter or a car in Tulum?

For longer trips, it is generally better to rent a car in Tulum. However, if you just plan to hang around in the city and visit some nearby spots, renting a scooter would be the best option. 

Can I rent a car in Tulum if I’m under 25?

If you are under 25, and from 21, you can rent a car in Tulum. However, agencies may apply additional fees or restrictions, it depends on the agency.

Can I use Uber in Tulum?

Uber and other ride-hailing apps are not operational in Tulum, but you can take a taxi. While it may be more expensive than renting a car or a bike, you will have a quick ride to your destination!

Can I rent a bike to get around Tulum?

Yes, you can rent a bike to get around in Tulum, which is a bike-friendly town with many bike rental shops, and there’s a dedicated bike path on the main beach road.

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should I rent a car in tulum

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